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This page is awesome because you get to see the different people from all walks of life and what they have achieved.  There are some inspirational words here all written by the individual about their experiences and success with TeamTank.  Take your time to read some of their stories as some of them you can perhaps relate to.  I can't express enough how proud I am of each of these individuals and I also cannot emphasise the amount of hard work that they have put in to achieve their outcome.


Alex Carmichael

I think Martin is a really unique coach. He teaches you how to do things for yourself and is constantly there for support.


Allison Dickman

Working with Martin for the past year been completely transforming in many ways.  Firstly, I am well on my way to the body transformation that I set out to achieve.


Amy Gordon

I have been coached online by Martin as part of TeamTank and can honestly say it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made


Ashley Paterson

‘My “transformation Tuesday”! Never in a million years thought I would do something like this because I actually hate getting my photo taken (believe it or not)...


Cher Dobbie

Before I met Martin, I knew nothing about the gym. I originally joined just to pass the time when my son was in doing a class.


Claire Dobbie

If you’re reading this and considering joining TeamTank, from my experience my advice would be that you have to be willing to accept your lifestyle priorities need to change for you to succeed...


Colette Bruce

My mental health has improved, I’m focussed and most of all I’m comfortable in my own skin.


Dawn Martin

Born in Scotland but made in TeamTank


Fiona Murdoch

I have not only changed physically for the better but mentally I am in an amazing place, more focused, confident and learning a lot about myself


Gemma Barr

I couldn’t recommend training with martin highly enough!  He helped me completely transform my mindset on nutrition and training and built my confidence.


Gillian Simpson

I met martin through my other half being coached by him, it gave me the motivation to lose weight as well.  Martin knows his stuff and also makes you feel so at ease.


Jack Prentice

The knowledge and enthusiasm Martin hold in fitness and nutrition is phenomenal.. This can also be said for the content he posts on social media.


Kris Livingstone

Before meeting martin i was totally clueless about the gym and was a place I avoided. And the same goes for nutrition totally clueless about that as well.


Leanne McIvor

I’ve tried every diet out there – the cereal diet, juicing, souping, Slimfast, Atkins, Herbalife, thermogenics etc. None of them worked long term.


Lyndsey Allan

This process has really been life changing and in such a positive way


Mrs Tank

It takes commitment and flexibility


Paula Muir

Martin & TeamTank has given me a new lease of life with my relationship and knowledge of food as well as my mindset it is in such a positive way.


Richie Cornett

Stuck in a rut and doing that gym thing with zero results, yip that was me.  Weight never changing, shape never different, well it must be the equipment or something.


Ryan Gourlay

Before I met Martin I was unfit, no confidence , and really overweight for my age...


Scott Forrest

I have known Martin since I was 14 and just joined the Gym, we had a connection with Boxing which then lead to an amazing friendship that has been strong all these years.


Sophie White

My advice to anyone considering coaching with Martin would be this, you will not regret it!


Steph Cairney

Having been a gym goer and trained for several years prior to meeting Martin, I had come to accept that I was just ‘one of those people’ who couldn’t achieve ‘that’ type of body.


Tracy Kennedy

The Team is an amazing source of support, encouragement, help and advice so thank you to all my fellow TeamTankers.


Vikki Ridler

I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface in who I am and my journey into fitness and finding myself again after being so unhappy for so long.


Alison Hunter

I got the biggest subconscious education on why we were doing everything and I now have total control over my body, eating the foods I love and exercising the way I want.


Amanda Pollock

Martin's been my coach for well over a year now and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone.  Martin’s helped me with a lot of things, losing weight, gaining confidence  and also in the way I train.


Andrew Smellie

Before i joined TeamTank I lacked confidence and was severely over weight aimlessly attending the gym and getting no where...


Bethany Gillan

I have not only met some amazing people throughout my journey who have inspired and helped me along the way, but I have a newfound knowledge surrounding nutrition and training and massive lifestyle change.


Chris Scott

I’m fitter and stronger as a result but also I feel better in my clothes and feel more comfortable being me .


Claire Murray

It’s a funny thing women and weight issues!  I had struggled with my weight my whole life.  I struggled to accept myself and struggled to see my own potential like a lot of women.


Cory Gemmill

Martin is the only man for the job. His experience proved pivotal in my success and he truly is a first class coach.


Diane Gillan

Before joining TeamTank, I had a turbulent 8 years regarding my physical, mental and emotional health.


Gail Mcclung

Being part of TeamTank is a privilege as the support and encouragement from fellow TeamTankers is just amazing.


Gillian Brennan

I’m just a normal, busy, working Mum who’d tried and failed so many times to turn things around. If I can achieve this then anyone can!


Hannah Bingham

This has been a journey of self care.


Joan Coleman

I met martin nearly 3 years ago and was 8 stone heavier.  I tried every diet class that there was and no success.


Laura Kennedy

WOW. I am immensely proud of myself and my journey so far...


Linda Allan

TeamTank has been soooo much more than I expected and I cant begin to give enough praise to the team built up by Martin and the support from him and everyone in it.


Maggie Martin

’My journey to health so far…….


Natasha Searle

I approached Martin originally in 2015 looking for a way to ‘tone up’ as i was just so unhappy with my figure but i was also keen to see how lean i could be.


Priya Richardson

I would highly recommend Martin as a personal trainer...  I went to Martin at my lowest point, weighing the heaviest I had ever been.  


Roisin Meehan

I have no regrets and am sooo happy to be living a healthier lifestyle


Scott Barr

There’s endless support within the group, plenty of advice and just a great bunch of like minded people all working towards similar goals


Sharon King

I became a member of Carluke Leisure Centre in 2010, months after i i had my 4th child.  After 2 years of fitness classes & finding that the impact of the classes were actually aggravating past injuries.


Stacey Jacobs

With the guidance and support every step of the way from Martin and from the rest of the team at TeamTank, I finally got the results I had always wanted.


Stephanie Kempsell

I’ve loved being part of the TeamTank group which is an entire support network of likeminded people who have helped and encouraged me along the way. ⁣


Vicki Young

I would like to say a massive thank you to martin, who has been awesome from the word go.  His guidance, his support, his promptness and efficiency!


Allan Bell

I’m at my leanest since high school and back in love with an old sport⁣


Amy Andrew

Yes, I’ve lost weight, yes, I’m fitter and a different person physically when looking in the mirror, but the improvement on my mental health is what really matters. I feel good in myself.


Angela Livingstone

If you’re looking for someone to teach you how to change your lifestyle for the better, then Martin’s your man.  I’ve worked with martin for a few years and, he’s coached me and helped me achieve several goals..


Cal Anderson

I can honestly say working with Martin, has genuinely been the best thing I have ever done.


Chris Yuen

Martin has fully managed my training and nutrition program for the past 18 weeks. A lot of the work was done during lockdown which was not a barrier. He is very knowledgeable and great at what he does.


Clare Barr

13 weeks ago I’d never have predicted I’d feel how I feel now...accomplished, educated and enlightened!


David McQuade

I went to the gym on the advice of doctors.  I was 23 stone, pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  I was told i had to lose weight or end up on medication for the rest of my life.


Emma Smith

This experience has been lifechanging and if you’re going back and forth with the idea of joining then DON’T.


Gary Murray

Back in 2012 one of the guys/boxers from sk promotions contacted me and offered to help me with diet/training etc. That guy was Martin Green.


Gillian Kerr

I first met Martin 8 years ago when I was fat and he had hair. Although I lost most of my weight through W.w it’s thanks to Martin I’ve kept it off.


Heather Turner

I actually first met Martin because he needed my help which is ironic considering how much he is helping me achieve my goal at the moment.


Kirsty Duffin

I began with martin on the 1st or October last year after following him on social media, initially it was one of his transformation photos that grabbed my attention but...


Lauren Clark

I’ve always been an actie girl, loved getting stronger, getting fitter.  I first met Martin when i was roughly 17/18, just going about the gym with some programme someone made me.


Lucia Noble

Now I feel I have more to give and I’m looking forward to making exercise and healthy choices part of my day to day⁣


Megan Lawrie

Martin is a fantastic coach/PT and helped me lose nearly 7 stone in weight.  I’ve struggled all my life with my diet and have been severely overweight for as long as i can remember.


Nicky Orr

Today I am the fittest, healthiest and strongest I have been; physically and mentally.


Rebecca Rieley

I could not recommend this guy enough.  The knowledge he has alone is unbelievable.  It’s not just the knowledge that makes an incredible coach, it’s how he teaches you.


Ruth Neill

I’ve known Martin for 8 years now and I’ve never came across a better coach/trainer than him.  He helped me do what i thought was impossible.


Scott Crone

I have been attending the gym for years, but not really seeing any great results.


Shireen Alexander

I have always toiled with the idea, what would it take to be the best version of myself if I really tried and put the effort in.


Stacey Trainer

This journey has been a life changing experience and it’s the best decision I have ever made.


Stuart Mcivor

I couldn’t recommend Martin any higher as a coach.


Victoria Ruthven

Everyone is really nice and welcoming, always ready with suggestions and advice for everyone. We are all working towards our own goals and it is nice to have all that support behind you.


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