Scott Barr
Then: Shame, Guilt, Denial, Embarrassment, Little to no Self Esteem
Now: Pride, Strong, Fit, Healthy, Have a Purpose, Happy and most importantly a Role Model for my son
Before I joined Team Tank I was a typical fad dieter. I wanted to be where I am right now without putting the actual work in. I’ve spent a lot of money and time on meal replacements, tablets and overnight miracle drinks which promised me the body I’ve always wanted. It took me a long time to realise that I would be the one having to put effort in and no miracle cure would do it alone. I was lacking any drive to get to where I wanted to be.
I gradually started gaining weight when I left school. Being able to provide for myself instead of having a packed lunch made for me was where I think it all started. I used to go out drinking every Thursday to Sunday regularly. Also I smoked from the age of 15 up until the start of last year. I never had any balance and looking after myself couldn’t have been further from my thoughts.
As I got in to my mid to late 20’s I did start noticing how unhealthy I was and just how unhappy I was with what I saw in the mirror. I buried my head in the sand for a while. I then started trying to eat a bit healthier and attending they gym. This only lasted a week or two at a time for a few years. Martin was already aware of me as he had made several programs for me on my numerous attempts to lose weight.
It wasn’t until we found out that my wife was pregnant that I sat up and took notice of where I was in my life. I started making more of an effort in terms of exercise. It started walking with my wife every day after work then progressed to doing some HIIT classes on YouTube. This seemed to work for me as I saw my weight come down on the scales. There was just something missing that was holding me back from progressing further. After our friend, Sophie joined TeamTank and we both saw her amazing progress, my wife was signing up next. I think I lasted about 6 weeks before I took the plunge and messaged Martin.
From day 1 I’ve given everything I can. It’s been hard but so rewarding at the same time. Martin and the Team are an absolute integral part of me getting to where I am now. There’s endless support within the group, plenty of advice and just a great bunch of like minded people all working towards similar goals.
A big part of me getting where I am now is my wife, Clare. She’s an absolute inspiration to me. I think it’s been about 9 years since she started getting in to fitness and in particular running. I used to always go and support her regardless of where or when it was. I used to watch her with such pride. I always thought to myself, “I’d love to be able to do that”. She’s been such a great support to me on this journey so far. Since having our son I’ve never looked back. Everything I have done up until now, and will do going forward is for him and Clare.
Finally, Martin. I know he hates this but I just want to thank you for taking me on as a client. You could have easily given up on me due to my many failed attempts at losing weight at the gym. I’m glad you didn’t and will be forever grateful for your help.
If you’re sitting on the fence about contacting TeamTank, get off and send him a message. If you’re willing to be patient, give your all, you will undoubtedly see results and get to where you want to be.