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Maggie Martin

I started attending the gym on doctor’s recommendation as I’d hurt my back and was fortunate to have Martin as my gym instructor. Needless to say, I caught the gym bug and have attended regularly for a few years now.
When I began, I was hitting 100kg, morbidly obese, and despite knowing and understanding how dangerous this was to my health, I subscribed to the notion of being fat but fit. Like so many others, I had yo-yo dieted for many years, losing a little then gaining more than the loss back. I had tried all kinds of commercial and fad diets, but nothing ever resulted in losing weight and it staying off. I had resigned myself to acceptance of where I was, it was too hard for an older person to lose weight, I have arthritic hips and knees, I had too much weight to lose yada yada yada. However, I still regularly attended my gym sessions and got fitter, if not lighter.
Earlier this year, at 62 years old and 98kg, I could fool myself no longer; I really needed to deal with my weight problem once and for all and asked Martin for help. We went over lifestyle choices, how to manage what I was eating and how to keep myself fit and get fitter. I now attend weight and cardio sessions each week, do bootcamps and circuit training, walk more and eat well. I understand how to manage food choices and can honestly say that I eat more than I ever did before and still lose weight.
Since beginning with Martin as my coach, 7 months ago, I have dropped 5 dress sizes and just over 16kg in weight. I feel great, made many firm friends through TeamTank support groups and classes, have climbed Tinto Hill, which is just short of Munro level, learned to perform sit ups, and enjoyed my first ever Mud madness run.
I am well on my way to my overall target of a healthy BMI/weight. The daunting task was made manageable by breaking this down into small chunks which were within my reach and I’ve lost weight and inches consistently. I still have a little way to go to reach my goal, but I can actually see the end point on the horizon, and I have no doubt that I’ll not only get there, but that I’ll stay there.
Martin works by giving his clients the tools to allow them to take ownership of their nutrition and exercise. It’s not a fad diet of supplements and meal replacements, it is real everyday food and manageable.
I look forward to the next few months to reach my goal and know that I have the support and encouragement of a highly knowledgeable and highly committed coach to get me there and teach me how to stay there. His coaching system is very personalised and private. You never need to go through the embarrassment of public weigh ins, he provides support when you need it and a kick up the butt when you need that too, I particularly like the small support group of fellow clients, which again is a closed and private group. They have been a phenomenal support, always welcoming and there in good and bad times.’

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