Tracy Kennedy
I have always kept myself fit and active and not really ever had to worry about my weight too much as it has always remained relatively stable. However that all changed due to a combination of reasons meaning my training was no longer happening as much and I was reaching for sweets and biscuits much more. I got away with it for a while but unsurprisingly it was beginning to catch up with me and I began putting on weight and felt very unfit.
So I did what many people do and went through periods of drastically cutting my calories and taking out all of the sweets etc again, unsurprisingly, this didn't work as I only lasted so long then was starving so went back to eating the same and having some binges.
I also knew that exercise was key for me both physically and mentally but I was so sporadic and was really struggling with motivation. I tried entering virtual events but struggled to complete them as even this wasn't the push I needed.
One day, getting closer to 40, feeling stuck, unfit, struggling to get into my clothes, not liking what I saw in the mirror and generally feeling sorry for myself, I happened to see one of Martin's clients transformations and just thought I think that's what I need.
I contacted him straight away and arranged a chat.
On chatting to Martin I instantly knew that he could be the catalyst I needed to get back on track and the words he said to me still ring in my ears "I have no doubt you can do this, we just need to relight that fire!"
I knew I could do it exercise wise as I have previously done a couple of marathons so I know I can push my body, but I was a bit scared of the "diet" aspect of things. However, Martin explained this would all be worked around me. So I decided to invest in myself as my 40th birthday present.
This was totally different to what I expected nutrition wise as I was in control of what I ate as long as I hit my targets. Exercise was worked around me, my goals and the time I had available. The ethos based around education and changing lifestyle and mindset regarding nutrition and activity levels to enable lasting changes. I have learnt loads.
Help was available whenever I needed it and I have actually enjoyed the process. I'm not saying it was always easy but if you want something enough it's worth working for. As the saying goes great things never come from comfort zones.
12 weeks on and that "fire" for exercise has definitely been reignited. I am so much happier and more confident in myself and how I look. I feel fitter and stronger and I am determined to continue to learn more about fueling my body for better performance as this is just the beginning of the new 40 year old me - the BEST 40th birthday present ever thanks to my hubby!
The team is an amazing source of support, encouragement, help and advice so thank you to all my fellow Team Tankers.
Martin said not to write about him but I can't do this without saying thank you.
You are knowledgeable and up to date with evidence in training and nutrition which is really important to me, so I always felt in safe hands. You have had my back every step of the way and have been there to answer questions, reassure, encourage and give a push if needed. You have been the catalyst I needed and I'm so glad I joined the team. Thank you.